OA Qld Intergroup

Queensland Intergroup Meeting

When there are several OA groups in one area, they may decide to form an Intergroup to work together e.g. to maintain a Queensland-wide meetings list, organise special events, purchase state-wide public liability insurance. Queensland Intergroup (Qld IG) is responsible to OA groups in Queensland.

All welcome
1st Saturday of each month
(excluding January)

Please join us on Zoom

Meeting ID: 868 7099 7009
Passcode: 012938

To contact Queensland Intergroup or to request an item be added to the monthly agenda, email oaqldsecretary@gmail.com

Intergroup Call for Service

How Intergroup Works

Intergroup’s Primary Purpose

The primary purpose of this Intergroup (IG) is to carry the Overeaters Anonymous message of recovery through the service to member groups and to foster the practice of the Twelve Steps, Twelve Traditions and Twelve Concepts of OA Service; and to serve and represent member groups.

Intergroup By-laws

Overeaters Anonymous Queensland Intergroup is governed by the by-laws, a set of rules or guidelines to guide its actions, operations, and decision-making processes.  The by-laws, along with the Twelve Traditions and Twelve Concepts of OA Service, ensure that Intergroup can effectively achieve its primary purpose.

Intergroup Committee Positions

OA Queensland Intergroup is made up of the following positions:

Vice Chairperson
Literature Coordinator
WSBC Delegate
Meeting List Coordinator
Region Ten Representatives
Newsletter Editor
Public Information Coordinator
Website Liaison 
Events Coordinator
Group Support

The Executive comprises of the Chairperson, the Vice Chairperson, the Secretary and the Treasurer. 

In order to legally operate, OA Queensland must have a Chairperson, a Secretary and a Treasurer.  The other key positions are the meeting list coordinator and website liaison coordinator. 

Intergroup Representatives

Intergroup Representatives provide a vital link between groups and the Intergroup.  Intergroup representatives are selected from the group conscience of the group they represent.  The primary duties of Intergroup Representatives are:

  • Be a regular OA member who attends the group which they represent.
  • Attend all Intergroup meetings or send an alternate.
  • Bring news or any issues from your group to Intergroup.
  • Announce Intergroup news to your group.
  • Vote on issues concerning OA as a whole at the OA QueenslandIntergroup meetings.


Group Reports

All groups are encouraged to send a report to Intergroup each month.  A suggested report format could include:

  • Name of Group and Group Number
  • Meeting Details (Day, Time, Location or phone or online details)
  • Meeting Format
  • Meeting Highlights and Challenges
  • Meeting Secretary’s Name and Contact details
  • Intergroup Representative Name and Contact details

This allows Intergroup to stay in touch with your group.  

Intergroup Documents

OA Queensland Intergroup’s governance is transparent.  However, to ensure the anonymity that is key to our fellowship, documents are password protected. 

If you would like to view any of the documents below, please request an access code by contacting the secretary on oaqldsecretary@gmail.com

  • OA Queensland Intergroup By-laws
  • OA Queensland Intergroup Positions Descriptions
  • OA Queensland Intergroup Public Liability Certificate of Insurance
  • OA Queensland Intergroup AGM Report 2024