Live free
from food
& weight

Welcome to Overeaters Anonymous Queensland

Please see our ‘What’s On‘ page for more details about the Upcoming Virtual Event hosted by Region Ten on Saturday 20 April 2024.  

Hello and Welcome

Welcome to Overeaters Anonymous (OA) – a worldwide community of people who support each other to recover from compulsive eating and compulsive food behaviours. We welcome all who feel they have a problem with food.

Is Overeaters Anonymous right for me?

To find out if OA can help you, try answering these fifteen questions. The answers are only for you.

How does Overeaters Anonymous work?

We are not a diet and calories club. Our program of recovery is based on the Twelve Steps of Alcoholics Anonymous. However, instead of alcohol, our compulsiveness centres around food as well as, for some, body image. We offer a pathway for physical, emotional and spiritual recovery based on working the Twelve Steps of Overeaters Anonymous. For more information, read Our Invitation to You.

Who can join?

We welcome everyone who feels they have a problem with food and compulsive food behaviours. There are no dues or fees for membership. The only requirement for OA membership is a desire to stop eating compulsively. Our members include, but are not limited to, compulsive overeaters and under-eaters, yo-yo dieters, bulimics and anorexics. No matter how your challenges with food and body image present, you are welcome in OA.

Hello and Welcome

Take the next step with us.
Join us on Zoom or in person.